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David Mulonas
Sep 29, 20211 min read
PFT #42 - Personal Finance Tip: The Hidden Advantage with Retail Credit Cards and Paying Them Off
Paying for purchases in full with retail credit cards be to your advantage especially for large in scale items.
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David Mulonas
Aug 7, 20215 min read
#68 - The Midyear Financial Review
The midyear check up is to validate if goals are being met or there is a need to adjust them
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David Mulonas
Jul 27, 20211 min read
PFT #32 - Don't Refinance Your Mortgage Just to Refinance
There is an allure to lower your mortgage payment; however, you don’t want to refinance just to refinance.
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David Mulonas
Jul 26, 20214 min read
#69 - Couples Unified Budget Review
Should couples have their own bank accounts? Should they have one budget or two?
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David Mulonas
Jul 20, 20214 min read
#67 - How to Make $1 Million Dollars the Hard Way - Here's a Hint . . . Compound Interest
Making a $1 million dollars is not as hard as you think; it just takes time.
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David Mulonas
May 26, 20216 min read
#60A- What is Inflation and How Does it Effect the Economy and the Stock Market?
Inflation is on the rise in many financial sectors of the economy. What causes it and what is the best way to invest when prices increase?
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David Mulonas
May 24, 20213 min read
#60 - Listener Feedback: You Can't Retire on $1 Million Dollars and Have a 45-year Nest Egg
How much money do you need to to retire early and comfortably for a long period of time?
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David Mulonas
Apr 27, 20212 min read
What Are Fractional Shares and Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
A fractional share is when there is less than a full share of stock owned. This happens with dividend reinvestments and stock splits.
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David Mulonas
Apr 26, 20215 min read
#56 - The Financial Crimes of Bernie Madoff and the Rise of Ponzi Schemes
Bernie Madoff was an American financial businessman who was responsible for the largest Ponzi scheme in history of $17.5 billion dollars.
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David Mulonas
Apr 22, 20212 min read
PFT #19 - Personal Finance Tip: How to Save on Your Gardening Budget
A great way to save money on flowers is to buy flats of flowers and make your own hanging baskets. This can save 50% on cost.
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David Mulonas
Mar 29, 20213 min read
What Is a Nest Egg?
A nest egg is a sum of money and other assets that are saved or invested for the future that is typiclly tied to retirement planning.
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David Mulonas
Mar 28, 20217 min read
#52 - The Best Way to Manage Your Stimulus Check and the Future Impact on the Budget
Let’s take a scenario and say a family of four is making under $160,000 AGI. This means that $5,600 ($1,400 per person) will be sent out.
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David Mulonas
Mar 22, 20216 min read
#51 - The Netflix Show Marriage or Mortgage: We Provide Finance Tips and How to Manage the Budget
People want the wedding and the house for the future. The wedding is a one-day event that will be in memory for years to come.
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David Mulonas
Feb 21, 20215 min read
#47 - The 2020 Tax Review: Why You Don't Want a Tax Return & How The Money Improves the Budget
If your standard deduction is less than the total of your itemized deductions, then you should be able to save money.
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David Mulonas
Feb 18, 20212 min read
PFT #10 - Personal Finance Tip: How Coffee Slowly Drips Away Your Monthly Budget
Just Imagine if you are a family of four that drinks coffee everyday; the amount of money that can be saved is staggering.
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David Mulonas
Jan 29, 20212 min read
PFT #7 - Personal Finance Tip: Rule of 72 and Compound Interest a Retirement Nest Egg
In today’s world it is incumbent on you to build your retirement nest egg therefore, you can use the rule of 72 as a base calculation.
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David Mulonas
Jan 11, 202110 min read
Podcast #41 - Are You Ready for a Big Move Into the Tiny House Movement?
A tiny house is defined as a dwelling unit with a maximum 400 square feet of floor area, excluding lofts.
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David Mulonas
Apr 6, 20205 min read
Podcast #1 - Panic Selling During the Coronavirus
Let's discuss the ramifications of panic selling your financial investments if you are not going need the money for the next two years.
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