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the personal finance blog

David Mulonas
Sep 6, 20216 min read
#75 - Blaming Yourself About Budgeting Choices
Money is a mental that carries a lot of emotion. The high percentage of choices that you make in your life are centered on personal finance
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David Mulonas
Aug 30, 20213 min read
#74 - Stock Market Behavior 101
How do financial traders and investment firms predict which stocks will perform well? How do they know when to buy and sell?
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David Mulonas
Aug 8, 20214 min read
#71 - Robinhood Update: The Lawsuit, Payment for Order Flow & the IPO
Update on the IPO, the Lawsuit and Payment for Flow (PFOF) and how it works.
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David Mulonas
Aug 7, 20215 min read
#68 - The Midyear Financial Review
The midyear check up is to validate if goals are being met or there is a need to adjust them
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David Mulonas
Aug 2, 20214 min read
#70 - Who Should Pay for College: The Parent or the Kid?
The prospect of paying for college is daunting no matter who is footing the bill. Tuition and the cost for college defy low inflation
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David Mulonas
Jul 26, 20212 min read
#69A - 2021 Early Child Tax Credit Update
Children 17 or younger are generally eligible for the child tax credit payments, but there are conditions and the payments are coming early
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David Mulonas
Jul 26, 20214 min read
#69 - Couples Unified Budget Review
Should couples have their own bank accounts? Should they have one budget or two?
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David Mulonas
Jul 20, 20214 min read
#67 - How to Make $1 Million Dollars the Hard Way - Here's a Hint . . . Compound Interest
Making a $1 million dollars is not as hard as you think; it just takes time.
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David Mulonas
Jul 13, 20215 min read
#66 – Peter Thiel’s $5 Billion Dollar Roth IRA – How He Did It and Was It Legal?
The practice known as stuffing allowed Peter Thiel to build a behemoth tax-free nest egg.
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David Mulonas
Jul 6, 20217 min read
#65 - The Meme Stock Buyers are Back Trying to Screw the Short Sellers
What is short selling? When an investor borrows a security and sells it on the open market, planning to buy it back later for less money.
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David Mulonas
Jun 22, 20216 min read
#64 - The Cryptocurrency Conversation - What is it and What it Means to You
Cryptocurrency is a disrupter in the financial world owned by 15% of Americans. There is a good chance it will be part of your world someday
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David Mulonas
Jun 7, 20219 min read
#62 - Is it Better to Buy or Rent a Home? It Depends on Budgetary Discipline
Whether you choose to rent or buy your home, it is a major life decision that affects not only your lifestyle but also your financial health
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David Mulonas
Jun 1, 20214 min read
#61 - The Current and Future State of the Student Loan Crisis
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, says student loan borrowers owe a collective $1.73 trillion in federal and private student loan debt
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David Mulonas
May 26, 20216 min read
#60A- What is Inflation and How Does it Effect the Economy and the Stock Market?
Inflation is on the rise in many financial sectors of the economy. What causes it and what is the best way to invest when prices increase?
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David Mulonas
May 24, 20213 min read
#60 - Listener Feedback: You Can't Retire on $1 Million Dollars and Have a 45-year Nest Egg
How much money do you need to to retire early and comfortably for a long period of time?
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David Mulonas
May 16, 20215 min read
#59 - Is it Better to Lease or Buy a Car? Low Inventory Inflates Prices and Impacts the Budget
Leasing means you'll always have a monthly payment with new features. On the other hand, buying a car has will provide eventual ownership.
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David Mulonas
May 10, 20215 min read
#59 - Why the FIRE Movement Should Be Called FISH: Financial Independence Side Hustle
Change Financial Independence Retire Early to Financial Independence Side Hustle (FISH). Most people cannot retire without having a job.
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David Mulonas
May 3, 20216 min read
#57 Life After College: I Need Job. I Need a Budget. Where Do I live? Help!
We are parents of kids that are now out of undergrad and facing real life. The kids need to find jobs, budget and figure out their lives.
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David Mulonas
Apr 26, 20215 min read
#56 - The Financial Crimes of Bernie Madoff and the Rise of Ponzi Schemes
Bernie Madoff was an American financial businessman who was responsible for the largest Ponzi scheme in history of $17.5 billion dollars.
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David Mulonas
Apr 19, 20213 min read
#55 - The College Admissions Scandal Summation
Rick Singer was behind the college admissions scandal. His side door method helped students get into prestigious universities illegally.
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